This is how I started my thinking processes for this blog. I original thought I would blog something lite and nice, since school is going to start next week. I went to youtube to find a funny video about back to school. After viewing video after video I ended up watching a video series called Threadbangers (which are pretty good videos). As I watched one video and then another I ended up watching one of the series about back to school fashion, which then brought me to stenciling. Then I get on this hook that I want to try spray painting stenciling. I start searching free downloads of stencils and I end up finding a link to Sheriff Joe Arpaio Stencil graffiti in Mesa. So I read this blog post about Sheriff Arpaio and then decided to search the News Story. So here I am blogging about Sheriff Arpaio and the graffiti that happen in Mesa. This happened in early July but since I was in San Francisco I didn't hear about it. Now as I read article and blogs about this incident I wonder what and how to react to it. Honestly I really don't like Sheriff Arpaio, so its easy for me to laugh when I saw the graffiti but then I kind of thought about the whole graffiti or Art perspective. So is it Graffiti or Art? I also read one Article from the East Valley Tribune that stated this could be a Hate Crime. At first I thought, why would this be a hate crime, its the truth. But really I guess it defiantly is a hate crime, its racist (even if he is racist). So I am a little at lost with this but it sure makes you think about things twice.
Keep on enjoying Life-