I got a new J.O.B, yup its official, I am employed by ASU. In December I started my search for a new job. My contract with AHMI was ending in mid-January and I had no idea what I was going to do. Luckily I had a good friend refer me to a job opening at UMOM. I jumped on the opportunity and sent over my resume and cover letter. A couple of days later I received an email from an employer here at ASU. I was referred by another friend that works for ASU in the Dean’s office. The Student Engagement Department was looking to fill in a position and my name made their list. That same day I got a call from the UMOM employer to set up an interview.
How exciting right, two job opportunities! It was a thrill but it was super hard to make a choice. Each job had their pros and cons, each job sounded great. I talked to family and close friends about the jobs and which one to take. They all had great insight but I knew it was going to come down to me. So instead I prayed, and prayed and prayed and fasted and prayed some more. After much waiting and thinking I was never going to get my answer, I did. It was simple and worked out perfectly. No great voice came down from the Heavens and I didn’t see it in a dream. I felt it and I said it and it felt good. On top of that it all played out exactly how it needed too.
So here I am 2nd week into the job and I love it.
Enjoy life, enjoying my new job, and enjoying my new adventure,
YAY! :-) Candi you are such an inspiration.
PS I get to graduate May 1st!
That's awesome, Candi! Always such a nice thing and blessing to have a job, especially one you like and want!
Yay! Good for you. Does that mean you are going to try and get your masters? :)
Congrats Candi!!! That's awesome :)
How awesome to know you're making the right choices! Hooray for new jobs that are fulfilling and pay the bills!
Remember that time we both went to Tuesday Morning...and I bought a 99 cent soap thingy-majigger. I enjoyed that time. Let's hang out again soon...maybe do some scrapbooking?? I need some serious help from an artist!
Hi There
I need some advice
I'm Looking to purchase [url=http://www.milesgershon.com/tv-stands.html][b]TV Stands[/b][/url] or TV [url=http://www.milesgershon.com][b]Wall Units[/b][/url] For a house I'min the process of buying.
Can you guysgive me a good recommendation of where is the leadingplace to buy these? I live in Philly and I heard that the big thing about these [url=http://www.milesgershon.com][b]tv stands[/b][/url] is the cost of shipping and installation.
I also found this great article about wiring your entertainment center: http://www.helium.com/items/1577888-how-to-wire-your-home-entertainment-center
looking forward to your reply
[url=http://www.milesgershon.com][img]  [/img][/url]
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